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Our Experience at IRX 2021

By a contributor   
October 19, 2021

The face of the e-commerce industry has changed so quickly after the events of the past 18 months. The way we communicate also changed drastically. We attended IRX at the NEC in Birmingham last week which was the first in-person event we have had the pleasure of attending and presenting at in the age of the ‘new normal’.  

The event covered all aspects of the online selling world and had workshops and conferences which would appeal to all, from sellers to SaaS businesses, to packaging providers and even delivery couriers. Hearing from fellow industry leaders and networking with them was invaluable as we look towards the future of the industry. 

Our partner Huboo were gold sponsors at the event and we were glad to catch up with them there. Seeing their success in person was a highlight for us, and meeting face to face rather than over Teams was a treat in itself. Networking with other potential partners was great for team morale and we can continue to work towards our goal of becoming the go-to marketplace experts, watch this space! 

A range of other industry leaders were present, including Lounge, Grenade, Royal Mail and Gym Shark. Being in a room with these huge businesses really brings it home how exciting and motivating the online selling world is. The stats and figures mentioned, and backgrounds of the machines behind the world of e-commerce only helped build upon our understanding and would also be crucial to many sellers who attended too. If you are looking for guidance on selling online, events like this should definitely be on your radar. 

Chris and Steve from our Customer Success team ran a How to Sell More using eBay SEO workshop which had a high uptake, and we were pleased to see so many people engage with our content. The workshop was geared to support sellers in making small, but effective changes to optimise their stores. By making these simple changes, you can crack SEO and attract more traffic to your listings, increase sales and reduce returns. Hosting at the live event brought another dimension to the content that we have been working on and have presented virtually in the past. It was a highlight to see so many of you attending and we hope we brought value to the sellers who came along. 

IRX 2021 provided a chance for the whole industry to be in one venue at one time. This allowed us to gain a great understanding of further pain points as well as tips and tricks from the workshops which we will incorporate into our content going forward. Keep an eye out for what’s to come as we continue to work on providing you with the insight you need to become a seasoned online seller. 

If you are interested in how Optiseller can support you in optimising your store, check out the plans we have to offer.

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