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When selling on eBay, having optimised Item Specifics is imperative if you want to be successful. But we know that manually filling in every listing takes up precious resources, that’s why we have tools designed to do the hard work for you. Calculate the return on investment you could enjoy using our Aspect Finder+ tool vs. the eBay Seller Hub below.
Our clear and straightforward health-check PDF gives a bird's eye view of your store's strengths and weaknesses.
Spot the mistakes that could be making a difference to your listing performance – from duplicate listings to missing Item Specifics or titles that don't meet the recommended length.
Find out how consistent your shipping options are and get an idea of the number of missing or duplicate images your listings are suffering from. Are you skipping out on the kind of product identifiers that could make a difference between a buyer clicking away or completing a sale?
From GTINs to MPNs and fitment details, get a snapshot that will help you improve your store's bottom line.